You began to believe your own pretentious hype ...
one person even suggested Tod Maffin as President of the CBC ... and then insisted that everyone adhere, and never question or doubt.
And you coercively suppressed any contrary opinion.
If the CBC wants to continue to play along with you, letting their credibility fly in the wind, that's their problem.
But you're being a phony, Tod.
And not the nice superior person you want to project.
Instead, you're a bully and a coward.
I'm still waiting for that lawyer threat you pulled on Ouimet and Tea Makers, using fear to try and make yourself the only one untouchable on that blog.
I intend to have my say whether you like it or not.
And for however many more minutes I'm interested and amused by this time-consuming venture.
"considering the ethics of Tod Maffin and the CBC".