Monday, June 2, 2008

Tod Maffin: More powerful than the CBC

Tod Maffin IS the CBC.
And yet, in truth, not at all.

On his fake blog,, Tod often refers to the CBC as "WE", but he's in no way part of management.
Was he not locked out from the workplace like everyone else in the union?
So what does he mean "we"?

Tod likes to have people think that he embodies the country's national broadcaster, while at the same time claiming that he's allowed to speak freely in public, even critically of his employer.
He apparently has a totally unique position in the scheme of things.
Kind of like sitting on the fence, pretending to have the best of both worlds.

1 comment:

Alternative Girlfriend said...

Allan, I have no idea why I have not found your blog until now, and for that I truly apologize.

Please, for the love of Maple Syrup and Beaver Tails, read my CBC Posts on my Blog.

I think you'll fall madly in love with me. And then I'll leave my Husband and we will have a Love Child and name him Toditude.

What's your problem?

Tod Maffin's version of absolute power.
I wrote a comment at a famous blog.
Tod didn't like it, and took the intial steps of legal action to have it removed.
He was successful.

It made me an unhappy camper.
And I happen to really like it here.

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