Monday, June 30, 2008

Tod Maffin can't see the forest OR the trees

The caption reads ...

She's at Granville and Georgia, usually outside the London Drugs. Always with the same sign. She's been there more than a year...

Add a few Tod Facts ...

Tod lives at Granville and Georgia.
If he walks half a block from his front door, he's at London Drugs.
He's seen Molly every day, for a year!
He's even taken a picture of her.

But he has yet to ask her for her "story".

ADDENDUMB 5 minutes later

hey, I have an idea, Tod.
why don't you take that Hi-Def video camera of yours out of your ass and (after washing it) go and talk with her. Like, you know, have a real conversation with a real person.

You can asker her ...
can she read?
does she have relatives?
did she get her name from the Beachcombers?
does she miss not having television to watch while she's sitting there?
would she be interested in hearing Gomeshi if the CBC provided her with a wind-up radio?
what does she think of the internet?
does she think she has a future?

No comments:

What's your problem?

Tod Maffin's version of absolute power.
I wrote a comment at a famous blog.
Tod didn't like it, and took the intial steps of legal action to have it removed.
He was successful.

It made me an unhappy camper.
And I happen to really like it here.

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