Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A Blast From The Past

Tod's fearlessness and bravado got him a lot of press and admiration when he published this declaration.
As with a number of things in Tod Maffin's life, it was short-lived.

I will NOT erase history.

Posted by Tod on October 5, 2005 01:20PM (PDT)

Wow. This blew my mind:

"Upon ratification, CMG will encourage CMG members to remove as much as is possible, negative references and material related to the work stoppage from web sites, podcasts, blogging etc. consistent with the CBC and CMG accepted journalistic standards."

Listen. I'm a pretty huge supporter of everything the CMG negotiating team did for all of us, especially us casual/temp people.
But, for the record, I'm not removing anything.
From the beginning, I signed my name to everything I did. Only once did the CBC contact me to ask me to remove something (I had used a CBC logo inappropriately, and I removed it immediately.)
I have chosen to not publish hurtful, personal attacks against individuals (management or workers -- neither the infamous memo nore the "party" photo appeared on my site) and I stand behind every word I posted.
The last 50 days changed labour communications forever. The worst thing we can do is erase history.

Blogs are powerful. When I blogged about how Bell Expressvu fucked me over, it jumped to the top of Google.

If the Guild or CBC wants something off my web site, I will gladly provide the contact information for my lawyer and would welcome the challenge in court.
Bring it.

For the record - everything was removed.

No comments:

What's your problem?

Tod Maffin's version of absolute power.
I wrote a comment at a famous blog.
Tod didn't like it, and took the intial steps of legal action to have it removed.
He was successful.

It made me an unhappy camper.
And I happen to really like it here.